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作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2017-05-09 字体: 手机浏览

SGX, the Singapore Exchange, is looking to further boost its Chinese derivatives business by offering to collaborate with a planned new local futures venture backed by the founders of one of China’s largest hedge funds.


Loh Boon Chye, the bourse’s chief executive, told the Financial Times he was willing to open its clearing infrastructure to the challenger, called Apex, so it could conduct futures trading in the city state.

新加坡交易所首席执行官罗文才(Loh Boon Chye)告诉英国《金融时报》,他愿意将该交易所的清算基础设施向挑战者Apex开放,让后者能在这个城市国家开展期货交易。

Apex is a new Singapore derivatives exchange focused on commodities. It is backed by Eugene Zhu, former head of Dalian Commodity Exchange, and Ge Weidong, a renowned trader who is head of Chinese hedge fund Shanghai Chaos, a mainland-based investor with an outsized impact on markets.

Apex是在新加坡设立的一家新的专注大宗商品的衍生品交易所。其支持者包括前大连商品交易所(Dalian Commodity Exchange)总经理朱玉辰和知名交易员葛卫东,后者现任中国对冲基金上海混沌投资(Shanghai Chaos)董事长;混沌投资是一家总部位于中国内地的投资公司,对市场影响之大超出比例。

The SGX offer comes amid a strained political relationship between China and Singapore. Analysts saw a spat between the two countries over nine impounded armoured cars in Hong Kong as an indication of Beijing’s increased assertiveness across east Asia.


Mr Loh told the Financial Times that the arrival of a new exchange underlined Singapore’s potential as a way to play the China market from a distance.


“To us, it really signifies that Singapore is a price discovery centre for China. The [proposed] exchange is China focused. It reinforces some of our value proposition,” said Mr Loh.


Apex declined to comment.



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