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作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2017-05-12 字体: 手机浏览

Asked to define his worst attribute ahead of a televised interview earlier this year, Moon Jae-in declared he was “no fun”.

今年早些时候,当文在寅(Moon Jae-in)在接受一次电视采访时被问到自己最大的缺点是什么时,他郑重其事地说是“无趣”。

The statement speaks volumes about South Korea’s likely new president that the taunt is about the worst even his political rivals can direct at him.


A former human rights lawyer and the son of impoverished North Korean refugees, the 64-year-old political veteran has long been known as a man of quiet principle — a reputation earned in part due to his lack of obvious charisma.


“It is hard to characterise him because he does not have a strong personality,” says Shin Yul, a professor of politics at Myongji University.

明知大学(Myongji University)政治学教授申律(Shin Yul)表示:“由于他个性不强,很难给出他的特点。”

“Always very, very serious,” is the pithy conclusion of an aide in his liberal-leaning Democratic party.

文在寅隶属自由主义倾向的共同民主党(Democratic Party)。他在党内的一名助手给他的精辟评价是:“总是非常、非常一本正经。”

Thankfully for Mr Moon, probity is the order of the day.


Following a vast and at times lurid corruption scandal, former president Park Geun-hye sits in jail — her impeachment and arrest this year reigniting concerns about graft and cronyism in the east Asian nation. She denies any wrongdoing.

在卷入一桩牵扯甚广、有时听起来令人震惊的腐败丑闻后,前总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)被关进了监狱。对朴槿惠的弹劾及今年对她的逮捕,在这个东亚国家重新点燃了对腐败和裙带关系的担忧。朴槿惠否认自己有任何不当行为。

When the saga spilled into the public realm in October, Mr Moon moved to burnish his pro-reform credentials, establishing himself as a fixture at anti-Park demonstrations and spearheading a parliamentary impeachment bid.


He has since pledged a host of economic, corporate and political reforms, including a promise to move the presidential office from the palatial and secretive Blue House to central government premises.

自那以来,他已承诺要开展一系列经济、企业和政治改革,包括将总统办公室从像宫殿一样的、神秘的青瓦台(Blue House)迁至韩国中央政府办公大楼。

He also looks set to change the course of the country’s North Korea policy and has outlined a twin-track approach of increasing pressure on Pyongyang while leaving the door open for engagement.


“He sports a strong image as a reformist — a trait people want having gone through the so-called Park Geun-hye gate,” says Choi Jin-bong, a professor at Sungkonghoe University. “We need someone who can manage national affairs in a stable manner after months of political turmoil. Mr Moon seems the best candidate in that regard.”

圣公会大学(Sungkonghoe University)教授Choi Jin-bong表示:“他展示出强烈的改革者形象,在经历了所谓的‘朴槿惠门’后,人们渴望这样的人。经历了数个月的政治动荡,我们需要能以稳定方式管理国家事务的人。从这方面来说,文在寅似乎是最佳人选。”

Should he win the presidency, Mr Moon, whose father was a destitute sock salesman, will face a host of issues and a populace riven by the historic but divisive overthrow of Ms Park.


Much of his reform agenda will hinge on whether he can co-opt the country’s powerful conservative bloc, and some believe his principles-first approach to policy could undermine attempts to build a consensus.


“Politics is all about making a consensus on contentious issues through compromises,” says Hong Sung-geol, a professor at Kookmin University. “But his tendency to be less conciliatory towards opponents makes it unlikely he can draw bipartisan support for key policies.”

韩国国民大学(Kookmin University)教授Hong Sung-gul表示:“政治的全部意义就在于通过妥协在有争议的问题上达成共识。但他往往缺少对对手的安抚,这让他不太可能在关键政策上赢得两党的支持。”

Born in an island refugee camp in January 1953, a few months before the end of the Korean war, Mr Moon found solace at an early age in the Catholic church, which provided meals for him and his four siblings.


After attending a prestigious high school in Busan, he studied law at Kyunghee university, where he organised protests against the regime of the country’s strongman leader Park Chung-hee — the father of the recently-impeached president.

在釜山一所著名高中毕业后,他在庆熙大学(Kyung Hee University)攻读法学。在庆熙大学,他组织过反对韩国强人领袖朴正熙(Park Chung-hee)政权的抗议。朴正熙是最近被弹劾的朴槿惠的父亲。

He was later conscripted into the nation’s special forces and trained to parachute behind North Korean lines, plant explosives and fight his way out. A 40-year-old black-and-white photograph of a beret-clad Mr Moon surfaces occasionally whenever questions arise over his national security credentials.


It was not until 2003 that he cut his teeth on presidential politics when he served as chief of staff for his former legal partner and then president Roh Moo-hyun.

直到2003年,他才开始涉足总统政治。当时,他担任了前律所合伙人、时任韩国总统的卢武铉(Roh Moo-hyun)的幕僚长。

Roh rose to power on a wave of nationalism that occasionally bordered on anti-Americanism — the legacy of which is still felt today, with many US officials viewing Mr Moon with suspicion.


South Koreans should “learn to say no” to the US, Mr Moon wrote earlier this year.


Prof Choi says there are expectations “for a more balanced diplomacy in his administration, away from the US-focused one”.

Choi Jin-bong教授表示,一些人预期“文在寅政府会采取更平衡的外交,不再盯着美国”。

In 2009, Roh committed suicide as a corruption investigation closed in. It was left to a tearful Mr Moon to deliver the news to the public — an event that won him praise for his loyalty and dependability.


Following a brief stint as a lawmaker, he declared his candidacy for the presidency in 2012, only to be narrowly beaten by Ms Park.


“During his first attempt at the presidency, he did not show a clear vision. But he has gained some political confidence over the years and has formed better ideas,” says Choi Jang-jip, a politics professor at Korea University.

高丽大学(Korea University)政治学教授Choi Jang-jip表示:“在第一次竞选总统期间,他并未展示出清晰的愿景。不过,几年来他在政治上获得了一定的自信,形成了更好的想法。”

For Jeong Jae-seong, a former colleague of Mr Moon, his reserved nature should not be misinterpreted as weakness.

文在寅的前同事Jeong Jae-seong认为,文在寅内向的性格不应被错误解读为软弱。

“He looks soft but he is tough inside.”


Additional reporting by Kang Buseong

Kang Buseong补充报道


