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作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2017-05-14 字体: 手机浏览

Samsung on Thursday announced an executive reshuffle, appointing a new China chief and mobile marketing head, as the technology group attempts to set a new strategic course following the arrest of its de facto head and a sharp slowdown in its smartphone business in China.


But analysts say the changes, which were delayed for months due to a corruption scandal that led to the incarceration of vice-chairman Lee Jae-yong, do not go far enough.

但分析师表示这些变动力度还不够大,由于副会长李在镕(Lee Jae-yong)因贪污丑闻入狱,此次人事变动已延迟数月。

“Samsung urgently needs to replace under-performing, old executives to maintain efficient operations. Such a personnel reshuffle is still overdue,” said Kim Young-woo, an analyst at SK Securities.

SK证券(SK Securities)分析师金永佑(Kim Young-woo)表示:“三星急需更换表现不佳的老一代高管,以保持高效率运营。该走的人还是没走。”

Choi Kyung-sik, a former head of Samsung’s operations in Poland, was promoted to lead marketing efforts at the company’s mobile division. Kwon Gye-hyun, who once served as head of security and diplomatic affairs for South Korea’s presidential office, was tapped to head Samsung’s operations in China, where its smartphones have faced intense competition from local rivals Huawei and Oppo.

前三星波兰业务负责人崔炯植(Choi Kyung-sik)晋升为三星移动营销业务主管。曾任韩国总统府安全和外交事务负责人的权桂贤(Kwon Gye-hyun)被提拔负责三星在华业务,目前三星智能手机在中国面临本土竞争对手华为(Huawei)和Oppo的激烈竞争。

“Any key personnel changes are unlikely until Mr Lee gets released from jail,” added Mr Kim.


Mr Lee, the 48-year-old son of Samsung chairman Lee Kun-hee, was detained earlier this year on bribery, embezzlement and perjury charges in connection with a political corruption scandal that triggered the election of a new South Korean president this week.

48岁的李在镕是三星董事长李健熙(Lee Kun-hee)的儿子,今年早些时候因涉嫌行贿、贪污,以及伪证罪被捕,其罪行与韩国一起政治腐败丑闻相关,该丑闻导致韩国在本周选举新任总统。

Mr Lee, one of South Korea’s most powerful men, denies the charges.


His arrest and ongoing trial have the potential to upend his plans to eventually take over formal control of the conglomerate from his father — currently incapacitated in hospital — as well as shake up the company’s corporate governance.


Despite the turmoil, Samsung’s business is thriving, with its stock hitting a record high on Monday. Last month, the company reported its best quarterly operating profit in more than three years.


The semiconductor division was the biggest driver of earnings, accounting for nearly two-thirds of operating profit. But the company has also reported positive early sales of its new smartphone, the Galaxy S8.

三星的半导体部门是最大的盈利驱动者,占营运利润的近三分之二。该公司还报告了其新款智能手机Galaxy S8的初步销售状况良好。

The company said recently it expects the new device to outsell its predecessor, the S7, which sold more than 48m units in its first year.

三星最近表示,预计Galaxy S8的销量将超过上代产品S7,后者在推出第一年的销量超过4800万部。

Samsung’s outlook for smartphones, however, is bleak in the world’s largest market: China.


According to Counterpoint, a market research group, Samsung’s share of the country’s smartphone market fell to 3.3 per cent in the first quarter, down from 8.6 per cent a year earlier.


“I think a lot will depend on what and how much the new head intends to do for Samsung in China,” said Xiaohan Tay, an analyst with IDC.

IDC分析师Xiaohan Tay表示:“我认为,这在很大程度上取决于新的负责人希望为三星在华业务做出何种以及多大程度的努力。”

“There’s a lot of changes that he needs to do for Samsung in terms of improving its brand image in China [and] having specific marketing messages to cater to the Chinese crowd.”


Mr Kim of SK Securities added: “Samsung’s China performance in the first quarter was the worst. [It] is trying hard to regain lost ground with the S8 launch but it will be difficult to reverse the trend given the?.?.?.?stiff competition with local rivals.”



