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作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2017-05-14 字体: 手机浏览

France’s president-elect Emmanuel Macron is to push the EU to adopt a tougher stance on trade and foreign investment in an early bid to win over domestic critics calling for greater protectionism.

法国当选总统埃马纽埃尔?马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)将推动欧盟(EU)在贸易和外国投资问题上采取更强硬立场,这一早期努力是为了赢得呼吁加大保护主义的国内批评人士的支持。

Mr Macron, who campaigned on a strongly pro-EU platform, will visit chancellor Angela Merkel next week to urge the German leader to quickly strengthen EU anti-dumping measures and tighten control of foreign investments in strategic sectors, aides said.

马克龙的助手表示,在竞选活动中强烈支持欧盟的马克龙,将于下周会见德国总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel),以敦促这位德国领导人迅速增强欧盟的反倾销措施,并收紧对战略行业外来投资的控制。

French voters’ choice of Mr Macron over far-right Eurosceptic candidate Marine Le Pen in Sunday’s election has sparked optimism that EU leaders will redouble efforts to strengthen the bloc after Brexit, helped by a stronger Franco-German alliance.

法国选民在上周日的大选中选择了马克龙,而非极右翼候选人、持疑欧观点的马琳?勒庞(Marine Le Pen)。这激发了外界的乐观情绪,认为在更为强大的法德联盟的帮助下,欧盟领导人将加倍努力在英国退欧后巩固该集团。

But an adviser said Mr Macron, who takes office on Sunday, also wanted the EU to address the Euroscepticism and working-class anger towards globalisation that powered Ms Le Pen to the final round of the presidential campaign.


“He has embraced a resolutely pro-EU stance during the campaign but this doesn’t mean he wants to defend the status quo,” the official said. “If the Europhiles don’t change the EU themselves, they will no longer be trusted.”


Jean Pisani-Ferry, economic adviser to Mr Macron, said the new president would seek to respond to the “fear” voters had expressed during the campaign. “He is not [there] just to speak to happy France,” Mr Pisani-Ferry said.

马克龙的经济顾问让?皮萨尼-费里(Jean Pisani-Ferry)表示,新总统将寻求对选民们在大选中表达的“担心”做出回应。他表示:“他并非只关心快乐的法国人。”

By advocating that the EU be more protective of its own interests, Mr Macron also hopes to kick-start talks with Germany before engaging on topics such as a reform of the eurozone, where his views are more at odds with those of Ms Merkel and most German voters.


Mr Macron’s priorities include a “Buy European Act” modelled on US rules that would make it more difficult for non-EU companies to access public procurement deals. He also wants greater Franco-German military co-operation.

马克龙的优先事项包括效仿美国规则,出台“购买欧洲产品法”(Buy European Act),这将令非欧盟公司更难争取到公共采购合同。他还希望加强法国与德国的军事合作。

He has argued that Europe needed more effective control over defence, terrorism, migration and trade to be an effective counterpoint to the US and China. He advocates “government” for the eurozone, with a common budget and even a parliament, to boost growth.


Mr Macron has sought rapprochement with Berlin, criticising predecessors for talking tough to Germany as a way to boost domestic popularity.


Sylvie Goulard, an MEP and adviser to Mr Macron on EU affairs, said: “For the first time in a long time, we have a French president who doesn’t want to flex his muscles against Germany, but instead we have a president who wants to play as a team.”

马克龙的欧盟事务顾问、欧洲议会议员西尔维?古拉尔(Sylvie Goulard)表示:“这是长期以来的第一次,我们有了一位不想向德国秀肌肉的法国总统,而有了一位想要团队合作的总统。”

Mr Macron has said a common budget for the eurozone would help it deal with economic shocks. “The eurozone has created tools to deal with crises but there aren’t many tools to boost economic convergence,” an aide noted.




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