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作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2018-05-11 字体: 手机浏览

Gigi Hadid has apologised for her appearance on the cover of Vogue Italia.

吉吉.哈迪德为她在《Vogue Italian》(《时尚》杂志意大利版)封面所呈现的造型道歉。

The model appeared with darkened skin on the front cover, shot by photographer Steven Klein, and was soon hit with "black face" comments from thousands of fans.


"Besides the fact that they've darkened her skin so much, the face doesn't even look like Gigi. Whoever edited this photo should be fired," one wrote.


Another said: "This is disgusting. Why have her in blackface when you could hire a darker skinned model?"


But Gigi has explained she had no control over the final image and she acknowledges there are issues regarding diversity in the fashion industry in a statement posted on Instagram.


She wrote on Instagram:"Please understand that my control of a shoot 1. is non existent in terms of creative direction. 2. ends completely when I leave set, and anything done to a photo in post is out of my control fully."


She continued: "The bronzing and photoshop is a style that S.Klein has done for many years and I believe was what was expected from the shoot (to show me in a different way creatively).


"BUT, although I understand what Vogue Italia's intentions were, it was not executed correctly, and the concerns that have been brought up are valid.

“但是,虽然我明白《Vogue Italia》的意图,但他们却没有正确地执行,而且大家的担忧是合理的。”

"Regardless, I want to apologise because my intention is never to diminish those concerns or take opportunities away from someone else, and I hope this can be an example to other magazines and teams in the future.


"There are real issues regarding representation in fashion - it's our responsibility to acknowledge those issues and communicate through them to work towards a more diverse industry."



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