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中国大规模团挤爆剑桥 当地拟出台限制令应对

作者:作文网 来源:网络整理 时间:2018-06-09 字体: 手机浏览

Tourism bosses in Cambridge are to encourage Chinese tourists to visit the city in smaller groups to curb congestion in its narrow streets. 剑桥旅游管理部门将鼓励中国游客组小团游览剑桥,以缓解该市狭窄街道的拥堵问题。 Thousands of Chinese tourists are drawn to the city each year to see its sights, such as Cambridge University. 剑桥每年会吸引成千上万的中国游客前来参观剑桥大学等名胜。 Visit Cambridge and Beyond, the city's official tourism service, has said that large groups of up to 50 people are making parts of the famous university town "impassable". 剑桥官方旅游服务机构“访问剑桥”表示,多达50人的大团使这座著名的大学城的许多地方“无法通行”。

The tourism body said it was developing strategies to "combat the potential problems of over-tourism" in the city, including insisting on splitting tourists into smaller groups. 该旅游机构称,他们正在研究解决剑桥过度旅游的潜在问题的措施,包括坚决要求将游客分散成规模更小的团。 While the city's council is examining ways to reduce coach congestion. 剑桥市议会则正在研究如何减轻公交拥堵状况。 According to Visit Britain, there were an average of 17,000 overnight stays in Cambridge by Chinese visitors between 2015 and 2017. 英国旅游局的数据显示,2015-2017年,到访剑桥并过夜的中国游客平均为1.7万人次。 And the latest figures available state that 267,000 day visitors from China came in 2016. 而获得的最新数据显示,2016年,到剑桥一日游的中国游客有26.7万人次。


