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作者:第一作文 来源:未知 时间:2021-02-09 字体: 手机浏览

1 、我并不是看你不顺眼才揍你的懂吗。

I didn't see you not pleasing to the eye just beat you understand?

2 、看到了你,我知道恐龙以前长什么样了。

See you, I know that dinosaurs look like before.

3 、我真的不知道要能拿什么词语来跟你说。

I really don't know what to get words to tell you.

4 、你很了不起么。不就是有动物保护协会撑?

You are very great? Is it not with the animal protection association?

5 、你的半个后臀尖够一家老小从初一吃到十五的。

Your rump a last-borns enough after half a month to 15.

6 、好好的人不做,要出来做狗,真是无可救药啊!

Man is not to be, to come out to do the dog, is really hopeless!

7 、别说我不理你,而是我无法和生物类的你沟通。

Don't say I ignore you, but I can't your communication and biology class.

8 、你不要说话好吗?你一说话就把你的智商暴露了。

You don't talk? Expose your IQ as soon as you speak.

9 、我想问问你,这是哪个坟圈子爆炸把你崩出来了?

I want to ask you, this is the explosion which grave circle you fall out?

1 0、说话都不利落,老跟含着狗粮似的,真是个大畜牲。

Speak not agile, old heel with a dog food, is really a big beast.

1 1 、一脸便秘相,还一天到晚往外跑,在外影响市容市貌。

A face of constipation, also a day to night to go out, outside the affected districts.

1 2、爱你的时候你说什么是什么,不爱你时你说你是什么?

Love you when you say what is what, don't love you when you say what are you?

1 3 、你说你除了放P的时候带点连贯性其余你干啥不打磕巴。

You said you in addition to put P with consistency the rest you do not stutter.

1 4、这熊孩子眼大、耳大,容易进水脑子估计被水给泡坏了。

The bear children big eye, ear, and easy to fill brain estimated by water to bubble is broken.

1 5 、每次站你旁边我手机都没信号,走到马路上都看不到太阳!

Every time standing beside you I phone have no signal, go to all could not see the sun on the road!

16 、理我的都是人,不理我的都是千年老乌龟,谁叫你总不理我。

Reason I is person, ignore my is one thousand years old tortoise, who call you always ignore me.

1 7 、如果你去当演员的话,有一个角色挺适合你的,那就是疯子。

If you go to be an actress, a role is suitable for you, that's crazy.

19 、有娘生没爹养,生来就是出来糟践我们人生观价值和世界观的!

Niang born without dad, born out of botch our outlook on life values and the view of the world!


