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来源:网友 时间:2022-07-27 手机浏览

1、No matter how far away we are, my heart and your heart will always lead.


3、Parting is temporary, sharing life is eternal, parting breeds love, make our love more fervent.

4、Let's hold hands tightly and let our feelings feel gently in our hands and share an unforgettable warmth.

5、It's always hard to be apart、Never seeing each other is no longer a miss!

6、Time dwells not the wine of friendship, but the hand that cannot be missed can bless you forever.

7、The tears of separation are the sea, and the reunion is the sail、Farewell is to meet again、Farewell is to meet again.

8、To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the future.

9、Leader, ah, you go, you finally have to go, whether your heart is still waves.

10、We used to be schoolmates on a desk、When we waved goodbye, please understand my affectionate blessing.




14、Lu Yao, the heart is long, the wound parting, he sighs; the wind is small, the night is long, looks forward to the gentleman, does not sleep.


16、Today, we break up in front of our desk、Tomorrow, we are holding hands on the road of life.

17、I hope you will have a smooth and successful career in the future.


19、The rush of water and the rush of time keep friendship alive、Goodbye, friend! Friends, treasure!



22、No matter you go to the corner of the sea, and no matter how long the parting will take, I will wait and wait.




26、Green hills do not change green water、See you around!


28、Our pride is to have this moment, to shape ourselves with the power of the times, to cut tomorrow with the life of youth.

29、Brandish arms, and closer to the soul.

30、Parting, please drink a cup of water of your native place, you go all over the world, and don't forget to put your hometown in your chest.



33、I will never forget your teachings、I wish you every day happiness and success in your work.

34、The red clouds after the rain, sincere friendship after parting, flowing water is not blocked by stones, friendship is not alienated by distance.

35、We are the two waves in the long river, jumping and laughing, facing the sun together.




39、From behind, we will meet each other、A few dreams with God、It's a dream to see each other in a silver bowl tonight.

40、Let me stand like a pure child, in the moonlight, watching your bright background disappear in the distance.


42、A day without letters is like a pile of warm wood、It is recalled to mind, thick smoke in one's brain.

43、In an endless sea of people, we meet and separate; I hope our friendship breaks through time and space, and grows with the years.




47、Brothers travel, only bless、I wish you all the best in the future.

48、My problem is how to be with you forever in a calm and warm mood after parting.

49、Eternal memories and trust are still bosom friends、Friends, treasure!

50、Soon, I sincerely wish you eternal innocence, innocence, happiness and upward breath.

51、Separation, tears become a message, you said: this tear can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memory.

52、Come and go, hurry up, leave thousands of things, and look forward to a reunion.


